
Mid-Level Escalator (2007-02-20)

The only place we went to just for sightseeing and not for fooding on this trip was the very long Mid-level Escalator.  I remember reading somewhere that it is the longest escalator in the world and the little shops and bars in the side streets and alleys on either side of the escalator are fun to browse etc.

The MTR from Tsimshatsui to Central only took ten minutes or so, then a short walk from Central station brought us to the base of the escalator.  The escalator isn't one long unbroken mechanical stairway like I thought it was.  There are sections interupted by crossroads and small streets running across it.

We did see numerous bars and restaurants in the area, many of which have only English written on the chalkboards outside their shops, and expensive menu prices.  I guess their clientale are mostly well-to-do locals and foreigners or wealthy expats.  Today's pictures are all about the Escalator and its surrounds.

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