First Harvest (2015-11-28)

Very first harvest of my summer crop was a Korean zucchini

Cherry tomatoes were disappointingly tart; basil was growing like wild fire

Made a salad (lemon juice, olive oil, Parmesan cheese)

Sans cheese

Grew two types of eggplants

Green beans

Made stuffed eggplants and tofu and sauteed green beans

Pumpkin and Korean zucchini flowers

Failed dish. Batter was way too thick, pumpkin flowers were extremely bitter and the zucchini flowers were tough

First miniature pumpkin

I might have harvested it too early, not very meaty

But very sweet and creamy, delicious!

Second one was smaller but didn't look like it was gonna grow any bigger


Snake beans and green beans are super easy to grow as long as there's plenty of sunshine and something for them to climb

Bitter melon

Chinese celery

First picked melon weighs 1145gm (seed packet says to pick them about 1 to 1.2 kg)

Looks like a winter melon but tastes like a fuzzy melon, delicious

Dinner: braised winter melon with dried shrimp and rice vermicelli and stirfried snake beans and egg
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