
Frozen Eggs (2015-02-20)

You're going on a long trip, there're fresh eggs in the fridge, by the time you return, the eggs would've past their expiry dates, so what to do?  You freeze them!  Freezing extends their shelf life exponentially and frozen eggs make delicious creamy soft-boiled yolks.


  1. Freeze eggs overnight to make sure they are completely frozen.
  2. Heat 1L water till boiling, drop two frozen eggs in it, boil 1 minute covered.  The water WILL boil over, just take the pot off the heat for a few seconds and return it back on the stove.
  3. When the minute is up, turn off the heat, and leave the cover on for 15 minutes.
  4. Soak eggs in cold water for a few minutes before peeling.
Many factors affect the time it takes to achieve the degree of creaminess of the yolk:
  1. the size of the pot
  2. the amount of boiling water used
  3. the number of frozen eggs in the pot
  4. the number of minutes you let the eggs rest in the boiling water
  5. the size of the eggs
Okay children, go forth and experiment.  Make the most creamy and slightly chewy egg yolks you'll ever make!

*Bonus recipe*

Thaw frozen eggs on counter for an hour.  Peel off shell, discard whites (use it to make meringue or just fry it to eat it).  Place yolk (yes, raw) over steaming hot rice, drizzle soy sauce over it.  Enjoy!

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