Efoo 2009-2019 (2019-11-15)
The bulk of Efoo's immigration process was completed by early September. Entry permit, quarantine booking, interstate transfer, and boarding afterwards were all locked in place. A couple more vet checks in Tokyo and all he had to do was hop on his flight and start a new life in Australia. But he was not afforded this small piece of luxury.On Oct 6, Efoo fell ill suddenly. He went through a barrage of
tests and was diagnosed with acute renal failure. His one kidney
was born deformed and not working, the other was riddled with cancer so
large it made the kidney look like a triangle.
Two particular elements in his kidney function test were so
off-the-charts bad the machine could not register a proper reading.
The vet was shocked and baffled at his lack of symptoms and weight gain the past years. He said Efoo
should have been very sick and possibly dead long time ago.
There's no treatment at
this stage of his illness, only palliative care.
Efoo's kidneys basically shut down the following days. He was drooling and clicking his tongue incessantly. He had become incontinent, passing bloody urine, and had diarrhea until the end. He was going to his litter box as frequently as every half a minute, sometimes cried out in pain (meow) while struggling to eliminate. He refused food and water. He was listless, weak, quiet, and lost interest in all things including us.
His condition deteriorated rapidly. The final
blood test revealed his kidneys were essentially
non-functioning resulting in the accumulation of toxins in his
blood. We were told he would die within a few days on his
own but we could not stand to watch him suffer one more second so we
took the difficult but humane road of euthanization with
the vet's support.
On Oct 11 at 5:19pm, Efoo left this world. We held his hands and gently stroked him while he drifted away.
I am so sorry Efoo did not get to live in Sydney with us after
all. I hope he felt he had a full and happy life. We loved
him more than words could express it.
Rest in peace, Efoo; you are forever loved and missed. The joy
you'd given us is immeasurable.
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