Growing Cat Grass (2007-12-14)
Buying pots of cat grass for Daifoo is getting expensive. The biggest problem is the pot never lasts. The grass becomes yellow in just a few weeks and wither and I have to get another pot.The solution is of course to grow my own. A bag of bazillion
seeds costs roughly a time and a half of a pot of grass from the
nursery, and I dare say I can get hundreds of pots of grass from a bag
of seeds.
To my surprise, the seeds are extremely easy and fast to
germinate. I've sown them in recycled soil and they have no
trouble sprouting. The grass from the seeds also lasts a lot
longer than the grass from the shop too.
Tip: Cover the pot after sowing and watering with a shower cap
to increase the humidity and temperature inside the pot, thus ensuring
fast and successful germination. Do NOT open or water the seeds
until they germinate. After they do, uncover the pot during the
day so the seedlings can breathe and receive sunlight, but I also cover
the pot at night to create that greenhouse effect again. Remove
the cap permanently when the seedlings are taller than the rim of the
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